According to an article in the Wicked Local blog, the person who owns the Tossed franchise at the Prudential Center in the Back Bay is looking to open a second spot, perhaps in Boston's Financial District or somewhere in Cambridge. The article mentions that the plan may be for a smaller space than the current one, possibly being a kiosk.
In addition to salads, Tossed, also offers customers soups, crepe wraps, sandwiches, melts, smoothies, and cookies. The chain opened their first location in New York City in the late 1990s, eventually expanding to several states around the country, including Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The location at the Prudential Center is currently the only one in New England.
For more information about the possible opening of a second Tossed in the Boston area, please go to the Wicked Local link below.
Tossed franchisee looking to open a new salad shop in Boston area