A job post within the Craigslist site indicates that Tavern in the Square is planning to open a couple of new spots late this summer and they are currently looking to hire folks for manager positions. There is no word on where the two spots will open, and it is not known exactly what will be going into their Union Street restaurant space in Newton Centre, either, which is currently undergoing renovations. Once the new locations of Tavern in the Square open, they will join others in Cambridge's Central Square and Porter Square as well as Allston, Burlington, and Salem (and the restaurant in Newton).
[March 6 update: A source has told us that Union Street in Newton will apparently continue to be Union Street, and that it is simply undergoing renovations right now.]
[March 27 update: A new job post within the Craigslist site indicates that Union Street has reopened, with a new chef, a new menu (including a new beer list with more than 30 beers on tap and 100 bottles), and renovations made to the space.]
The Tavern in the Square restaurants feature a mix of American dishes and pub grub, including burgers, burritos, steak tips, wings, and more. Their website is at http://www.taverninthesquare.com/