According to the Salem News, food service company Endless Summer Grilling of Swampscott has submitted plans to open a barbecue joint on the site of an old restroom at Salem Willows, a waterside park east of the city center. The article states that the owner of Endless Summer Grilling, who used to be executive chef at the now-closed Pho Republique in the South End of Boston, is hoping to have a concession stand that features items such as pulled pork, ribs, and chicken, with a Caribbean influence.
The building in which the concession stand would be housed was formerly a men's bathroom, according to the Salem News (the men's bathroom and women's bathroom now share a single building). The article also mentions that about 600 square feet of deck space next to the proposed concession stand could possibly be developed for seating, such as picnic tables.
If the proposal gets approved, the owner of Endless Summer Grilling says that the barbecue stand could be open sometime this year.
[December 29 update: Plans have fallen through for the owner of Endless Summer Grilling to open a BBQ joint at Salem Willows, but according to The Salem News, the person behind the caterer Honky's Barbecue is apparently looking at the site, so a barbecue spot could still be in the works for the former rest room here.]
For more information on the proposed opening of a barbecue joint at Salem Willows, please go to the Salem News link below.
Chef envisions former restroom as barbecue stand