It was a good summer, restaurant-wise. I found some great finds (Duck Creeke Tavern in Wellfleet, Pepe's Pizzeria in New Haven, CT, Loaf and Ladle in Exeter, NH, Dock n Dine in Old Saybrook, CT, and many others). I also returned to some of my favorites (Buffalo Head in Forestport, NY, Docksider Restaurant in Northeast Harbor, Maine, the Dan'l Webster Inn in Sandwich, and Pipes Cafe, way out in Cardiff, CA).

I also got to do a rather unusual trip to Connecticut, hitting several classic hot dog stands, cheese steak joints, and ice cream stands. We hit Doogies, Al's Hot Dog Stand, Super Duper Weenie, Glenwood Drive-In, Kool Cow, and Pepe's, all in one day! I felt a bit sick the next day, but it was worth it, as it was a memorable trip. My favorite? The dogs at Al's Hot Dog Stand, although Pepe's Pizza was amazing, too.
I hope to hit some more good restaurants this fall, including a few more new ones. Perhaps I'll find some classic New England restaurants during fall foliage, which (egads!) is only a little over a month away.