We went to Doyle's in Jamaica Plain the other night for a leisurely dinner, then we took a ride along the nearby Arborway to see what Dominic Luberto might be up to with with the Christmas lights on his house this year. As some readers might remember, we had taken photos of Mr. Luberto's house last year and posted a couple of the pictures on this blog (see
Christmas Lights on the Arborway, Jamaica Plain link). Well this year, Mr. Luberto appears to have outdone himself, as he has added even more to his now-famous Christmas display.

The first thing we noticed has we approached the house was not the Christmas lights on the house, but the brightly-lit crown attached to the roof of the house. The trees to the right of the house were nicely decorated, too, with one of the trees being lit up as an American flag. Next to the trees was a Jewish star, and in front of the house were a variety of life-size figures.
The lights should be up for at least a month if not more, so if you live in the Boston area, you have plenty of time to see the display. In the meantime, enjoy the photos here; by the way, if you want to see larger versions of the pictures, simply click on the ones shown here.