An Albanian restaurant has just opened in the Roslindale section of Boston, moving into the spot that used to house another Albanian eatery before becoming a comfort food restaurant. According to
Universal Hub and several other sources, Arbri Cafe recently opened its doors on Belgrade Avenue where the Boston Brickhouse was, and before that, Cafe Apollonia. In addition to Albanian fare, Arbri Cafe is also offering Greek and Italian dishes, Universal Hub says.
A poster on the
Yelp site mentions that Arbri Cafe does not have a liquor license, but that they do allow diners to bring their own bottles; it is probably best to call ahead in case this changes.
As soon as we receive more information on this restaurant (menu, website, hours, etc.), we will post an update here.
The address for this new Albanian restaurant in Roslindale is: Arbri Cafe, 146 Belgrade Avenue, Roslindale, MA, 02131. The phone number is (617) 323-0276.
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