According to their website and Facebook page, Howl at the Moon is opening on High Street in the Financial District of the city, in what appears to be the space formerly occupied by the now-closed restaurant and bar The International. Howl at the Moon is a nightclub that focuses on two players on baby grand pianos along with others on guitars, drums, horns and fiddles, with the music coming from a variety of eras. Audience participation is encouraged at the nightclub, including song requests, which are given particular attention. Some food is served at the Howl at the Moon clubs, but the focus seems to be more on drinks, including 86-ounce buckets of alcohol and oversized jello injectors given out by servers wearing nurse, cowboy, and cheerleader outfits, to name a few.
Currently, the closest Howl at the Moon locations to Boston are in Baltimore and Cleveland. When it opens, the Boston location will be the bar's 15th spot.
[August 10 update: According to their Facebook page, the new Howl at the Moon in Boston will be open for business on Thursday night, August 12, with their grand opening being on Friday, August 13.]
The address for this soon-to-open piano bar in the Financial District will be: Howl at the Moon, 184 High Street, Boston, MA, 02110. The website for the chain is: