According to Universal Hub, anarchists smashed the windows of three Upper Crust pizzerias this past Sunday (including one on Newbury Street in the Back Bay), and posted on Boston Indymedia that this action was taken because the chain has underpaid workers for overtime; paid Department of Labor-ordered compensation for pay previously owed, then deducted it from paychecks of workers; and brought immigrants to America (and housed them) in order to use them as cheap labor.
The last part of the note from the anarchists states the following: "This struggle is a result of the inherent oppression within the capitalist system and will not end until this system is dismantled and replaced."
The Upper Crust Pizzeria chain has been in the news over the past several months over issues concerning immigrant workers and wages, with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) getting involved, according to a Boston Globe article in March of this year.