Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Responses from Boston-Area Restaurants

Below are some Twitter posts from Boston-area restaurants (and a couple from elsewhere in New England) from yesterday and today in response to yesterday's explosions at the Boston Marathon. Many, many others responded as well, but this is just a sampling of what some of the folks at various dining spots were saying.

Humbled by all the comments and my staff who didn't blink when asked and gladly served everyone who came through - they are my family

As day two dawns, we're open and available to anyone needing a meal or place to gather.

It felt extra special to nourish so many in boston tonight with warm meals. Thankful for community.

Happy to be drinking beers now. Long long, long, sad day. I hope all of you are ok and get some rest. God Bless America.

Sending Love to All

Why would anyone do this

We'd love to buy lunch for all 1st responders (EMT, docs, nurses, police, fire) today [Tuesday]. High St+Surface Rd 1130-230. One Love.

Thank you all police, firemen and FBI for everything you do!

We are so fortunate to have such heroic firefighters, police officers, EMTs & first responders here in Boston.

Peace, serenity, and love today, friends.

We are ok and watching news from home in Cambridge. Feeling sad and sick in my heart for those who were hit.

We love you, Boston. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected, their families and the best city ever.

Stay strong Boston.