Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kin Dee Thai & Pho Opens in Lexington

A brand new Thai restaurant that also has Vietnamese influences has come to the northwest suburbs of Boston.

According to a source, Kin Dee Thai & Pho is now open in Lexington, moving into a space on Routes 4/225 between the center of town and the Route 128 intersection. The website for the dining spot says that "We work hard to offer dishes from each region [of Thailand] in our menu. Our team is originally from the northeast, which has huge Vietnamese influence due to a significant number of people living there from Vietnam. For more variety we also included Vietnamese food in our menu." 

The address for Kin Dee Thai & Pho is 182 Bedford Street (Routes 4/225), Lexington, MA, 02420. Its website can be found at

by Marc Hurwitz (Also follow us on Twitter at @hiddenboston)

[A related post from our sister site (Boston's Hidden Restaurants): List of Restaurant Closings and Openings in the Boston Area]

NOTE: Leslie Hurwitz, who is the father of Marc (the founder of this site) is currently dealing with health issues and needs your help. Please donate if you can at, thanks!