A national chain of casual restaurants and sports bars that feature Buffalo wings will soon be opening its first location in the greater Boston area. According to a job posting on the Craigslist site, Buffalo Wild Wings is looking to open north of Boston in the town of Danvers. Currently, the only other Buffalo Wild Wings location in Massachusetts is in Hadley, which is in the Pioneer Valley of the state. There are also several locations in Connecticut, including restaurants in Hartford, Milford, New Haven, and Stamford.
Buffalo Wild Wings was started in 1982 in Ohio, and has grown to include more than 600 locations in 41 states across the country. In addition to featuring both traditional chicken wings and boneless wings, the restaurant also has such items as pulled pork slammers, nachos, mini corn dogs, flatbreads, sandwiches and wraps, ribs, burgers, and cheesecake. Buffalo Wild Wings also offers a number of beers on tap.
As more information on the new Buffalo Wild Wings in Danvers comes up (including street address, estimated opening date, etc.), we will be sure to post updates on the site. [October 22 Update: According to the Salem News, the new Buffalo Wild Wings is looking to open at 35 Independence Way where Boater's World used to be. This is across from where the recently closed Uno Chicago Grill was (there had been speculation that Buffalo Wild Wings was going to move into the actual Uno's spot).]
[June 20, 2011 update: The Danvers Patch reports that the new Buffalo Wild Wings is now open.]
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