Best of the New: Food
A number of folks at The Boston Globe have compiled a list of some of the best new dining spots to hit the Boston restaurant scene in 2010. The list includes such highly-regarded places as Bergamot in Somerville, Citizen Public House and Oyster Bar in the Fenway section of Boston, Island Creek Oyster Bar in Kenmore Square, and the Russell House Tavern in Cambridge's Harvard Square. Each of the restaurants listed includes a description of the spot as well a street address, phone number, and web link.
The 2010 Devil's Dining Awards
The second list of its kind to be published by MC Slim JB, a Boston-based food writer and restaurant critic, this often-humorous article includes such categories as the "Worst New Restaurant Name" awards (Twitters Bar & Grill in Saugus made the list), the "Even Chains Get It Right Sometimes" award (the roast beef on kummelweck sandwich at Fenway's Bleacher Bar won), and the "Most Delusional Customer" award (something that happened at the South End's Myers + Chang that you have to see to believe). This eclectic list is a refreshing alternative to the more straightforward "best of 2010" lists and is a must read for anyone who is up for a few laughs while being informed about various Boston-area restaurants and food trends.
The Ultimate Food Coma: The 25 best things we ate this year
The Boston Phoenix and Stuff Boston (which are both part of The Phoenix Network, along with radio station WFNX) both feature restaurant reviews throughout the year, and Stuff Boston recently published an article about some of the best individual food dishes of 2010. Written by Scott Kearnan and MC Slim JB, this article includes everything from high-end items such as the roasted suckling pig at Troquet across from Boston Common to cheap eats dishes such as the meat pie at KO Catering and Pies in South Boston.
There are plenty of other interesting food and dining lists for 2010 out there, but these three should be a good start for learning about what has been going on within the Boston restaurant scene over the past year.