A note from a follower of ours on the Hiddenboston Twitter page has indicated that Chacarero on Province Street is getting ready to close its doors for good. A phone call placed to the eatery has confirmed that it will indeed be closing, with the closing date being Friday, February 18. The phone call also confirmed that their location on Arch Street will continue to be open for business.
Chacarero first opened along the side of the old Filene's building in the heart of Downtown Crossing, eventually moving to its current Province Street and Arch Street locations, both of which are near the original spot (and close to each other). The restaurant features sandwiches with grilled steak and/or chicken, along with a vegetarian sandwich, papusas, sweet oven-fried potatoes, soups, salads, orange cake, and rice pudding. Chacarero also serves breakfast, with omelets, pancakes, and muffins being on the breakfast menu.
The address for Chacarero on Province street was: Chacarero, 26 Province Street, Boston, MA, 02108. The address for the location that will remain open on Arch Street is: Chacarero, 101 Arch Street, Boston, MA, 02110. The website for both locations can be found at: http://www.chacarero.com/
[March 13, 2011 update: Chacarero on Province Street is now closed.]