Friday, August 07, 2015

South Bay Town Center Planned for Dorchester

It looks like an open-air mixed-use development might be on its way to an existing shopping area off the Expressway just south of downtown Boston.

Universal Hub is reporting that the owners of the South Bay shopping center in Dorchester have submitted plans to open South Bay Town Center, which would be an urban-style complex of the type that is ironically found in the suburbs these days, with the development being on the lines of Legacy Place in Dedham or Patriot Place in Foxboro. The post says that the 10-acre spot would be next to the current shopping center and would include restaurants, a hotel, boutique shops, a movie theater, and condos/apartments, with the open-air development replacing the old Kam Man/Super 88 Market, an empty warehouse, and a now-closed office building. The proposed South Bay Town Center would have 1,066 parking spaces that would mostly be hidden from view, along with sidewalks coming from Andrew station Red Line) and Newmarket station (Fairmount Line).

Plans for South Bay Town Center are in the early stages, as plans for the complex were filed with the BRA just this week.

The South Bay shopping center is located on Allstate Road between the Mass. Ave./Southampton Street and Columbia Road exits off the Southeast Expressway.

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