Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Chew Food Plans to Debut a "Retail Meal Solution" That Includes Premium Ready-to-Cook Dishes

A Boston-based food research lab appears to be making plans to sell healthy meals to customers without the need for a restaurant space.

According to a posting within the jobs section of bostonchefs.com, Chew Food is looking to hire chefs, sous chefs, and prep cooks as they get ready to develop a "new retail meal solution" that is slated to launch sometime this month. The post indicates that ready-to-cook meals will be offered online and through "farm and vendor" partners, with the food options being organic and sustainable, based on the company's website.

The website for Chew Food mentions that the company includes people "from fine dining kitchens around the globe, world class labs, and headquarters of the world’s biggest brands," showing a total of seven Michelin stars and more than 800 products developed. Its founder is Adam Melonas, who was one of the founders of Unreal Candy, a company that focuses on healthier versions of sweets, according to an earlier Boston Globe article.

The website for Chew Food can be found at http://www.chewinnovation.com/

by Marc Hurwitz (Also follow us on Twitter at @hiddenboston)

[A related post from our sister site (Boston's Hidden Restaurants): List of Restaurant Closings and Openings in the Boston Area]