Friday, November 17, 2023

Flanders Field in Hanover Is Closed; Exact Status of Place Unknown

A South Shore restaurant known in part for its food with Northern European influences and its extensive beer list is shuttered, and it is not know what the future holds for the spot.

Based on a few checks on the place over the past several weeks along with messages sent from multiple sources, Flanders Field appears to be closed, with calls to the Washington Street spot indicating that its phone is out of service. There is no indication of its closure on its website or its social media, and the home page of its site simply mentions that it was closed on September 3 and would reopen on September 5.

Flanders Field first opened in the latter part of 2020, offering such dishes as Belgian frites, soft pretzels, pierogi, steamed mussels, pork schnitzel, bratwurst, and meatloaf, while also serving a variety of beers including from the local area and overseas. The founder of this blog wrote about the place for NECN last year, which can be read at the link below:

The address for Flanders Field is 2055 Washington Street (Merchants Row Shopping Center), Hanover, MA, 02339. Its website can be found at

[A related post from our sister site (Boston's Hidden Restaurants): List of Restaurant Closings and Openings in the Boston Area]

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