According to several sources, including posters on Chowhound and Yelp, El Triunfo is now open on Prince Street in the space where the vegan dining spot Grezzo used to be, and before that, the Italian restaurant Sage. El Triunfo, whose original location is on East Berkeley Street, features such items as burritos, tacos, quesadillas, papusas, tamales, and enchiladas--expect similar items at the new Prince Street location, which appears to have opened over the past weekend.
An article within the site indicates that the new El Triunfo in the North End is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with hours being 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
The address for this new restaurant in the North End is: El Triunfo, 69 Prince Street, Boston, MA, 02113. The website for the original location can be found at:
Thanks to food writer MC Slim JB for initially bringing this to our attention.