This will be the eighth Taste of Maynard, and for 2010 it will feature restaurants returning to the benefit (including the Blue Coyote Grille, Cast Iron Kitchen, and Willy's Philly's) as well as newcomers (including The Halfway Cafe, Maynard; JoJo's West, and the River Rock Grill). Proceeds from the event will be going to the Maynard Education Foundation.
Taste of Maynard will be held from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, with tickets to the event being $25 each if purchased beforehand, or $30 each at the event ($5 for children under the age of 12).
For more information on the 2010 Taste of Maynard benefit, please go to the Beacon-Villager/Wicked Local link below.