An email sent to us by Image Unlimited Communications mentions that Billy Costa's TV Diner will hold its fourth annual TV Diner Platinum Plate Gala at the Herb Chambers Lexus showroom on Route 1 on Saturday, November 13, from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. A total of 25 restaurants and vendors from the region will be participating, and entertainment will be provided as well, including music from the Hip Pocket Orchestra. A celebrity charity auction will be held at the event, with proceeds benefiting Horizons for Homeless Children, an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of homeless children and their families.
Tickets for the Fourth Annual TV Diner Platinum Plate Gala cost $100.00 and can be purchased through the NECN link below.
The address for Herb Chambers Lexus is 25 Providence Highway (Route 1) in Sharon, MA.